

And here we are, with the results of this survey.

And here we are, with the results of this survey.

The idea of preparing illustrations of wild orchids of China, is that to create an awareness about the extinction of these beautiful and unique flowers. For this reason we would like to do a two-stage research with the visitors of the exhibition. While I was doing the paintings and organizing the exhibition area,  a master student, Song, from the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, prepared this research and questionnaire.

The first stage of the research took place during the exhibition. A questionnaire was made with 1367 people from the visitors. This questions include; age, gender, province, education for socio-demographic information and what visitors learned about wild orchids after this exhibition and most importantly, to learn about the consumers’ purchase motives for these wild orchids.

Unfortunately, the first stage we have made in order to learn the motivations in buying orchids, to determine the importance of such exhibitions in protecting plants and to measure their purchasing behavior could not be strengthened by the second stage. Unfortunately, we could not complete the second stage because we were not able to reach the people from the first stage and we got little feedback.

As a person who believes and loves this profession, I always wanted to make an awareness about preserving and promoting for plants. It was very satisfying and pleasing to be able to reach so much people through the exhibition and to spread that knowledge. It was also a promising and exciting experience to confirm that we could attract a wider audience and spread the word about the plants with botanical painting.


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