Iris reticulata ssp. isikgunerae
Back in February 2019, we had a sweet expedition to Kahramanmaraş to look for an Iris species which was possibly a new subspecies. Finally the article about this new subspecies is published and now it is called;
Iris reticulata subsp. isikgunerae
ışık navruzu
You may guess how happy I am as such a delicate plant is named after me. We have now the same name with this beautiful plant that I illustrated back in 2019.
Specimen can be seen at NGBB Herbarium Collection.
Holotype: NGBB007966
subsp. isikgunerae Güner & B.Mathew, yeni alttür / subsp. nov. / ışık navruzu, yeni Türkce bilimsel ad. Sekil 12, 13.
Tip örnegi / Type: Kahramanmaras: Fatmali, Yavsan Yaylas yolu, kariguk seyrek calilik, batt yamaclar, kirectashi
arazi (Kahramanmaras prov.: Fatmal distr., on the road to Yavsan Yaylasi, mixed open scrub, west slopes, limestone),
970 m. 3730'26,6"K-036°4428,5"D, 23 ii 2019, A. Güner 16664, F. Günes, T. Ok ve FI. Güner (holotip / holotype:
NGBB007966!; izotipler / isotypes: ANK [NGBB 010295]!; ISTE 117269 [NGBB 010296]!; K [NGBB 010297]!).
You maybe interested in...
* Reading the article, not only for this new subspecies but the entire Iris treatment of Turkey.
* Reading my blog written right after this expedition - Irises calling!
